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Photoshop makes a fresh and stylish cosmetics master map

This article describes cosmetic main map production methods. The overall color is dominated by a refreshing light blue color, some scented silk is used to set off the emollient properties of the product. it is accompanied by some spots and highlights to increase the overall level and aesthetics. 
1. Create a new file. Open the PS software, press Ctrl + N to create a new file with a size of 800 * 800 pixels and a resolution of 72 pixels / inch, then confirm.
2. Add a gradient background. In the toolbox, select Gradient Tool, and then set the gradient color, as shown below; in the property bar, select Radial Gradient and pull the gradient in the direction indicated by the arrow, as shown below.
3. Click the Group button to create a new group.
4. Select the pen tool in the toolbox, select "Path" in the property bar, and then tick the path shown below.
5. Press Ctrl + Enter to turn the path into a selection, then click the Mask button to add a layer mask.
6. Create a new layer in the group, set the foreground color to blue #4986af, then fill the current layer with the foreground color, and then set the layer opacity to 20%, as shown below.
7. Add a layer mask and pull out the transparent effect on the right side with black and white gradient, as shown below.
8. For a new layer, apply a highlight to the selected area of ​​the image below with a 10% soft-edged white brush.
9. Create a new layer and add a shadow to the top edge, as shown below.
10. Create a new group and create the ribbon on the left side in the same way.
11, create a new group, the same method to make other ribbons, the process is as shown below.
12, join the product. Open the finished product, drag it in with the moving tool, and adjust the size and layer position, as shown below.
13, increase the spot. Create a new group on the background layer, then create a new layer, and use the spot brush to add the spot effect, as shown below.
14, add a copy, as shown below.